Tuesday 8 December 2009

Aye Tunes - Too Nice, Again

Hi everyone.
I just wanted to take a little time to say a huge thank you to all of you who stopped by to read me ranting at the weekend. An even bigger thanks to everyone who gave me feedback, both positive and negative.
Although I'm not very keen on getting emails insulting me I'm glad I had a chance to open up a wee bit of debate, and mostly to explain a bit more about why I do this, and how I do this.

It was genuinely touching to get so many comments and emails over the weekend. Whether they were encouraging or pointing out things I should work on, they were all appreciated. I can assure you that having set up this blog ages ago and then taking so long to actually do much with it I won't be losing interest or going away anywhere any time soon. You can decide for yourself whether that is good news or not.

Thanks again to everyone who left a comment or sent an email.


  1. I came here via Lisa-Marie's blog and I can't believe that anybody has a sad enough life that they send abusive emails to someone who's writing a blog about things that they love. I'm glad you've not been discouraged. I'll definitely keep reading. Nice blog title, by the way!


  2. possibly the best blog name in the whole wurruld
