No prizes for guessing the main focus of this week's gig guide... It is a reasonably quiet week for a change, which is good for me.
I'm putting on a gig, have I mentioned it already? Tickets are £3 in advance, available from me
here, or from the bands. There's a free sampler of the three bands available to download
here too. Doors are at the early time of 7pm, so swing by early if you can. To encourage early attendance there will be free biscuits on the go for the first 20 or so people that turn up, and maybe other wee surprises too.
Kicking off around 11pm, so you can come to Aye Tunes Presents first, you can find out more
here. I'll be there, probably horrendously drunk.
I don't think I'm spilling any great secrets if I say that I'd asked So Many Animal Calls to play on Friday, but we had to scrap that plan due to this gig. Go see them here instead then. Dear Mountaineer are also very promising, and the small bit of Little Fire I've heard sounds good too though I don't know a lot about the others.
Since me and Armellodie going and putting on our own gigs isn't quite enough multi tasking for one week Song, by Toad are getting in on the act too, with the first of the Ides of Toad series of gigs. As you'd expect the line-up is a good one.
Not a gig really, but our pals at Cargo Publishing get a mention any time they have something on. This is the Glasgow launch of Cargo Crate, Scotland's first ebook/print on demand imprint. Visit the Facebook page for all the info.