Excuse me a moment while I get a wee bit self indulgent.
Saturday past was of course the night of Aye Tunes Vs Peenko: The Revenge, and I've about just gotten myself back to normal afterwards. People that put gigs on for a living probably have no such issues, but when I put one on the days leading up to it are... interesting. A mixture of excitement, nervous energy and terror all combine to do weird things to me. So far all the gigs I've been involved in have been worth the three days without eating or sleeping properly before, and happily Saturday was exception.
A huge thank you to everyone that came along to Stereo on Saturday night, as confident that we were that we had a gig people would want to come to I've been to plenty nights with a great line-up and a barely double figures crowd, so it was at first a relief, then massively pleasing to be kept busy on the door dealing with the people coming in. We thank you for choosing to spend your time and money on us, as cheesy as it sounds it is very touching that those that came did.
The reason people came has very little to do with me or Peenko though, they came for the bands, and if everyone enjoyed them half as much as I did they will have gone home happy.
Mondegreen, Miaoux Miaoux and Adam Stafford - who roped in some friends for the occasion - were all brilliant, and we can't thank them enough for trusting us enough to agree to do the gig.
Anyway, enough of the gushing, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone, and I'm almost done, just a couple left...
Thanks Claire for taking photos. That's one of her photos up at the top there, and more can be seen on Flickr, just be warned that there's some of me in there. You can find all Claire's photos over at her Catthouse website.
Thanks Murray for the review over on his blog, and for the assistance manning the merch desk.
Big love to PAWS, drinks were had in your honour and thanks to Stereo for having us.
Last but not least, ok, last and least, thanks to Lloyd for sharing the stress, sharing the beer, and always knowing when to slag me off to distract me when it looks like my head is going to explode.
Now for the first time since April I find myself with no gig in the pipeline. A wee break is in order I think, but I doubt it'll be too long before I start shouting at you to come to something again.