Day 2 - SundayDay two was a bit of a more sedate affair than day one, we can probably put that down to everyone nursing hangovers from the previous day and a general quieter line up. That being said, it wasn't exactly a quiet chat round the campfire. Due to issues the previous day stage times were rejigged again, with some bands switching stages. My brain had pretty much given up trying to process information, so it became a bit of a lucky dip when it came to seeing people. As a result the reviews might be a bit random again.
Lovers Turned To Monsters kicked off the day in the open again Kitchen Stage. Unfortunately Kyle was on before most people had arrived, so played to quite a small audience. Those of us there early enough to see him enjoyed it though. I sometimes feel like I should be too old for Lovers Turn To Monsters, but Kyle does the acoustic lo-fi emo type thing really well. Glad I finally got round to seeing him.
Esperi played again on Sunday and this time there was no distractions from the other room. Once again I'm going to fall over myself praising Chris, simply because I find his live show both brilliant and utterly fascinating. I hope I'm not putting too much expectation on Chris now! Rather than me try to sum up the esperi set thanks to Sean from Glasgow Podcart you can go
see some of it for yourself. Even when Chris steps away from the loop pedal he's still an excellent musician though, as he showed at the end of the set by finishing sat out in front of the stage, relying just on his guitar and voice, and held the crowd in silence listening.
Lad Lazarus was a band I didn't know much about beforehand, and only caught a bit of their set (my quest to try and see a bit of everyone backfired on me a few times). What I saw was
really good, and left me kicking myself a bit that I hadn't seen more. I'll be keeping an eye out for another gig by them.
Little Eskimos I almost completely missed. Think i only caught about half a song. Shame, I'd quite fancied seeing them! Ah well, yet another band I'll need to catch another time.
Dead Boy Robotics - hey guess what? Yeah, missed most of their set too. The couple of songs I caught? Brilliant.
Diamond Sea - even though my by this point overfull brain kept trying to tell me were King Diamond - did what they did very well. On most days I'd have really enjoyed them too, but on Sunday I just couldn't get into it. That's entirely my fault, not a slant on them by the way. I'll make a point of checking them out further, Sunday evening was just a bad time for me to see them.
Julia and the Doogans I've seen a few times now, and never get bored of. They were a pretty much perfect pick me up on Sunday night when energy levels were running low. As I'm sure I've said other times I've reviewed them they write great songs and Julia has one of the most gorgeous voices I think I've ever heard.
The Second Hand Marching Band played with a stripped back line-up. I think I counted only 14 of them. I was a little concerned actually, they played in the Kitchen and I was right next to the stage, got a little bit worried I might get absorbed into the band. They were excellent though, as they have been previous times I've seen them. There's something about them makes me grin like a loon. Oh, and go check out a wee video of them
here, which is just adorable.
The Lava Experiments ended up closing the weekend for me, and did so really well. They mix electronica with a sort of shoegazy sound, and are really good at it too. again, my enjoyment of them suffered from a combination of being knackered, wondering how to get home, and having seen so many bands. When I managed to get myself to pay attention they were magic though. The Release was a real highlight for me, it's a fantastic song.
Nevada Base were on last, things over running so much that sadly Yahweh's set was scrapped. Due to a desire to actually get home from Glasgow I opted to miss Nevada Base entirely. Sorry folks, hope it went well.
Err, sorry to everyone else too. Reading this back I realise that I've spent more time talking about missing your sets and my head being screwed than about how good you all were.
All in all it was an excellent weekend with a ton of excellent bands. I saw some full sets and a load of bits & pieces, I've ended up with a lengthy list of acts I need to go see again. I don't think I saw one duff act, and that's quite a result. It's a bit of a shame I never get to see
Kochka, who had to pull out through illness, and
Yahweh, who time ran out on, but stuff like that happens. (Oh, and I hope Sheryll from Kochka, as well as the ill
Poochette, are both feeling better soon.)
Massive thanks have to go to Wull Swales for putting the event on and for seemingly keeping his calm throughout. I'm fairly sure if I'd been him I'd have exploded from stress at some point. I probably wouldn't even have made it through Saturday in fact.
Unrelated to the main post, but interesting to me - the day one review was seen by a frightening number of people. It's the third most visited post I've ever made on Aye Tunes and has only been up a few days. So thanks everyone for visiting, hope you've come back for this post and will stop by and see me now and then.