The 13th Note, Glasgow - 18th November 2009

Last night was another of Glasgow PodcART 's live session gigs, with, as you probably worked out by now, The Kays Lavelle and Beerjacket.
Oh look, it's Chris Lee-Marr, again. I'd forgotten that Chris plays drums with The Kays Lavelle. I swear I've seen him more times recently than I have most of my family members. Anyway...
The Kays were up first, and this was my first time seeing them, or hearing any more from them than a couple of songs on MySpace, so I was looking forward to it. I'm actually more familiar with singer Euan as a blogger than a musician, thanks to his blog TheSteinbergPrinciple, which you should all go visit (after you've finished reading me, of course).
Happily, I wasn't disappointed in them. From the way they sound they are instantly recognisable as an East Coast band. They don't sound much like Broken Records, Meursault or the like, but I can certainly hear them as part of the same "family", for want of a better word. That's a bit of a refreshing change for much. As much as I dearly love all my Glasgow bands that I go to see, something a bit different helps break things up a bit. Song names I'm hazy on, so I'll settle for the one that I do know as a highlight - not just because I know it, but because it was great - in the shape of Aftermath. Live the band sounded fantastic, and I'm really looking forward to their album, due out next year. Euan unintentionally talking about his mum's sex life added a laugh too.
There's not much I can say about Beerjacket that many others haven't said before me, and probably better than me. He is a fantastic artist and as a bonus a really nice man too.
Last night was no different than normal on that score, as Peter battered through his last album Animosity (my review of which we shall never speak of again - love the album, hate my review), threw in a fantastic sounding new song, played that cover version, and treated us to Barricade. A few times Peter berated himself, but I'll go ahead and speak for everyone that was there by saying that no matter what he thinks of himself, he and his songs are brilliant. Here's hoping Beerjacket gets his new material out before he starts hating those songs too!
Glasgow PodcART
The Kays Lavelle
I'm sorry I missed this - but will try and catch the Kays next time :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks my friend. Lovely words. Appreciate it. I really shouldn't be allowed to talk at gigs though!
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ReplyDeleteAh nonsense, might have been bad for you, but it was a laugh for us!
ReplyDeleteShouldn't complain then should I?! Always nice to hear people laugh at your on stage banter. Thanks man.