Your regular selection of stuff, including a wee announcement of what we're up to in August.
The Dirty Cuts - Cut Struck (album). Buy from iTunes.
King Post Kitsch - Don't You Touch My Fucking Honeytone (EP). Buy vinyl, with download code, from Song, by Toad Records.
I only had to go through 40 pages on eMusic this week. Much quieter than last week, which is handy since I'm skint.
Upcoming Gigs:
Night Noise Team, The Last Battle and David J Roch support Hurray For the Riff Raff at King Tut's next Saturday, the 28th. For £4 tickets get in touch with Night Noise Team's Sean at and tell him I sent you.
Give Me Money - Part 1:
Tickets are now on sale for July's Aye Tunes Presents gig. The gig is on July 1st at Stereo in Glasgow. The Last Battle will be launching their new EP, with support from the second hand marching band and Loch Awe. Advance tickets are £4 and available here.
Give Me Money - Part 2:
Aye Tunes Vs Peenko 4: The Revenge. 20th August, at Stereo. Tickets available from Tickets Scotland, or give me a shout.
Adam Stafford will be launching his new album, Build a Harbour Immediately, with help from PAWS, Miaoux Miaoux and Mondegreen. Well, there was no point in bringing AVP back if we were going to half arse it...