Updates are screwy again this week and probably next too, due to not being able to get at a computer much. Sorry folks, I'll catch up when I can.
Lions.Chase.Tigers ate giving away a free download of their just released debut EP To Their Blood until October 31st if you sign up to their mailing list. You can find the details here. You can also buy a copy from their website.
I've not had a chance to listen to it yet, and am still a bit annoyed with myself at not being able to get along to the EP launch gig last weekend, but the couple of times I've seen Lions.Chase.Tigers I've been pretty impressed, so I'm looking forward to having a listen.
Quick Gig Round-Up
I've been doing a good job of sticking to my a gig a week regime recently, think I've managed to get along to at least one show a week since turned 30 now. I'd do more, but well, the jobless bum thing makes that tricky. It's no coincidence that my getting out more has led to more frequent blog posts too, last time I was so excited about getting out and about, seeing new bands I've hardly heard of was about 10 years ago, didn't know how much I missed it until I started doing it again.
Anyway, last week at The Flying Duck I finally had the pleasure of seeing Trapped In Kansas after missing out on their last few Glasgow shows. They were very good, and I'll be writing more about them in future, once I've remembered to pester the band to send me some songs.
Support act City of Statues were also very enjoyable, with riffage aplenty.
Trapped In Kansas are back in Glasgow this weekend, playing at The Captain's Rest with the also excellent The Darien Venture on Sunday. I won't make it along, but if you can, you should.
Last night I dragged myself into Glasgow again, this time to Stereo, to catch The Morgue Party Candidate for the first time. Their set was a bit chaotic, somewhat messy and I don't think the band enjoyed it much. I did though. the band are far from the finished article, but show an awful lot of promise and like i say, even if they didn't enjoy their set last night, I did, and so did others. Eagerly anticipate catching them again when hopefully they'll enjoy it too.
Opening the bill last night were Macabre Scene, playing their first gig. I'd checked them out a little beforehand thanks to a tip from Ross of The Morgue Party Candidate and liked what I'd heard. They played a short set, only six songs, but were really good. Very impressed by this band, especially since it was their first live outing. Again, can't wait to see and here more from them in future.
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