Imagine if you will a bar on the docks of some Eastern European country, now imagine Nick Cave finding himself in there, signing some sea shanties and drinking songs backed by a band of gypsies. That's pretty much the image conjured up in my head by this EP.
Quite frankly, it's a mental image that's both good enough and more than unique enough to get pass marks for the EP from me.
Happily the songs are also excellent. Opener Balkan Ekspres, which mixes piano led swagger with more tender moments and soaring choruses, before it all goes a bit beautifully mental towards the end.
Devil's Tongue sounds a bit like what The Doors' Alabama Song might be like if The Doors weren't a bit rubbish, and maybe Jarvis Cocker stepped in on vocals. Packed with passion an atmosphere it's a raucous affair that does nothing to dispel the thought of beer tankards being waved in the air.
Finally No Hurry Home is a more downbeat affair, one to round off the evening of drinking, dancing and singing with a mournful torch song, tempered with optimism.
It would be hyperbolic to say the least if I said that I'd never heard anything quite like Fear The Fives, but they certainly sound fresh and different, and they are a very welcome change from yet another indie schmindie band.
I know I have a bit of a reputation for liking everything, but trust me on this one one, this is pretty much an outstanding debut that I'd implore you all to seek out.
Fear The Fives release their self-titled debut EP on iTunes, Amazon and other digital media on Monday 3rd May 2010. Catch Fear The Fives live playing an acoustic set at Tchai Ovna on 4th May, and at an EP launch gig on 6th May at Bar Bloc.
Stream Fear The Fives - Devil's Tongue
so I reply to your tweet then read this, nice review. I only got to hear it for the first time today as my laptop was bing a royal cnut. Cracking stuff