Wednesday, 21 July 2010


As you might have noticed I've been messing around with the layout of the blog again.
What do you think? So far reaction has been a mixture of positive, confused and being told it looks like a St Johnstone forum, anything else to add to the list?

Everything seems to display fine on my screen, using Chrome, but since many of you will be using a different browser and presumably none of you are using my screen let me know if anything looks weird or doesn't display right.

The old layout accidentally resulted it me breaking the site search, and screwing up comments. I think both of those are fixed now, if not then leave me a comment telling me so. Wait, that won't work...

You might also notice that I still can't design a half decent site logo, there's no need to make fun of me, I know already.

Ok, that's all, you can go back to what you were doing now. Well, except you, for Heavens sake don't you know that'll make you blind?


  1. Hi I just found your blog today, kept simple and easy to navigate in other words it's not cluttered with a lot of stuff you don't need and by the way I'm using firefox to view it.

  2. There's nothing wrong with it looking like a St Johnstone forum, as long as the content doesn't start to mirror We Are Perth... :)
