Monday, 30 May 2011

News & Bits - 30th May

Hello, you are looking well. Thanks for stopping by.
Here's your usual slightly shambolic run down of new releases, and other stuff.
I may have gone a wee bit overboard with the buy links this week, let me know if they annoy you and I'll trim them back a bit next week. Until then I'm pretty broke, so could use the couple of pennies I earn if anyone buys stuff through them.

New Releases:
Laki Mera - The Proximity Effect (album). Buy from Amazon (CD/Download), HMV (CD/Download), iTunes.
The Lava Experiments - Love, Lust & Loss (EP). Buy from iTunes, CD from The Lava Experiments.
Mummy Short Arms - Cigarette Smuggling (single). Buy from iTunes.
Poor Things - Innocence/18 (single). Buy from Bandcamp. (Aye Tunes Review)
Spare Snare - I Am God (single). Buy from iTunes.
Sparrow and the Workshop - Spitting Daggers (album). Buy from Amazon (CD/Download), HMV (CD), iTunes.
United Fruit - Fault Lines (album). Buy from Amazon (CD/Download), HMV (CD), iTunes. The album isn't available just yet on Bandcamp/Bigcartel , but should be soon. (Aye Tunes Review)

Like Me:
You may or may not have noticed, but there's a wee clicky thing at the bottom of posts which allow you to like them on Facebook. Feel free to express your enjoyment of Aye Tunes in the laziest way possible and be the envy of all your friends with your cool hip reading choices all at once. You can also find at Aye Tunes Facebook page here, where I occasionally talk rubbish.

Buy Things From Me:
Tickets are available for all the upcoming Aye Tunes gigs right here. Or just send me an email saying you want a ticket and I'll sort you out.
What gigs are those, you say? I really hope you don't say that again in a few weeks, or it'll mean I haven't done a very good job of promoting them, but the gigs would be these:

Friday 17th June - Aye Tunes Birthday Bash.

Friday July 1st - Aye Tunes Presents...

Saturday August 20th - Aye Tunes Vs Peenko 4: The Revenge

Lots of stuff on Bandcamp from Asthmatic Astronaut, including the first Church of When the Shit Hits the Fan EP.
Ben TD, probably better known these days as the man behind Open Swimmer, has his old album Tiny Movements available quite cheap on Bandcamp.
Dalyrimple Goes Wrong recorded his first EP, For Shut Eyes, in five days in a flat in Edinburgh.You can get it for free on Bandcamp.
Dave Hughes hasn't been in our news round-up for a couple of weeks, but he's back aggain now with the latest in his Something Old Something New series. Grab #3 from Bandcamp.
Also elbowing his way back in to the news is Guanoman, with more free stuff from his archives going up on Bandcamp.
El Dog released debut album The Lamps of Terrahead way back in 2009. If you missed it before then you can get a free download or right cheap CD from Bandcamp. I suggest you do.
Ginger, quite possibly my favourite songwriter in recent memory, is giving away a free download of his Potatoes And You live album. Go get it from Bandcamp.
If, like me, you hadn't really heard of Discopolis until they were announced for the TBreak stage this year then head over to their Soundcloud page to have a listen to them. I was pleasantly surprised, and kicking myself I didn't know about them already.
After what feels like a long time away old friends We're Only Away From NYC have popped up with a new song and video, which you can watch and hear here.
Cities and Skylines are giving away their new single for free in exchange for your email address here.
LightGuides have a free single too. Download Old Bucket Seats from their website, but be quick, it won't be available for long.

Win Win Win:
Just a reminder about the Ladytron competition I'm currently running to win a pair of tickets to see them in Glasgow. Find the competition here.

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