I've already done little introductions to two of the bands playing, you can read up on some facts about Black International here, and learn more about Verse Metrics - and get a sneak preview of their new single - here. That means it is time to round things off by telling you a bit about the third band playing the gig, The Big Nowhere.
The Big Nowhere have given me permission to make up some facts about them. I'll try to resist. I still enjoy bullet points, so here goes:
- The Big Nowhere are at various times Simon, Billy, Joe, Arvid, DP, Helen, John, Sandie and Malcolm.
- Fitting them on The Flying Duck's stage could be a challenge.
- One of them is a dragon.
- Simon wins the prize for "person I've known longest off the internet" I think. We used to talk to each other on Usenet, and I went to see his old band Brown Eye Superfly at the Barfly in Glasgow.
- Brown Eye Superfly and Barfly don't exist anymore, and no one still uses newsgroups except to download stuff. I now feel old.
- Debut album Pull Down The Moon was almost entirely recorded in Simon's living room. The album was released in 2009, and is available from all good download shops, like iTunes and Amazon
- You can also have a listen to Pull Down The Moon on Spotify, or here.
- I've been promising to review that album for ages, but still haven't done it. It is good though. Bluesbunny gave it four carrots.
- On a bunny related note, they were promised a spot on a gig I was putting on after this picture. Well, that and me liking their music.
- A second album is set for release later this year. I'll review that one. Eventually.
- Musically there is a bit of rock, folk, country (regular and the alt. type) and Americana going on.
- This is by far the least helpful intro piece I've ever written.
You'd probably be better off not paying attention to me and just having a listen to them instead.
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