Monday, 12 December 2011

Advent Calendar - Day Twelve: Advances In Mathematics

Oops, rather late with today's Advent Calendar installment, aren't I? Better have something good to make up for it then. Let me have a root around my metaphorical bag of stuff....

Ah yes, Advances In Mathematics! Today sees the first release from the Manchester band, with the Sad Xmas Present EP. I've been listening to this a fair bit in the past couple of weeks, and now that Sad Xmas Present is available to all, it is as good a release as any to use for the advent calendar today.

The Sad Xmas Present EP is available on limited CD, or as a free download from Bandcamp.

Apparently the ‘Sad Christmas Present’ in question is the Tremelo pedal guitarist Ben Ambridge asked for 4 years ago. It features heavily in the song that carries its name.

For good measure, here's a video too:


  1. Thanks for having us here Jim, happy to be a part of your festivities.

  2. Damn good song! Thanks, Jim and Advances In Mathematics, for sharing with the world. Merry Christmas.

    - Adam
