Monday 22 March 2010

This Week's Records

I've fallen so far behind on reviews it's not funny, so let's get through what's out this week quick. There's a few things that'll be getting more attention paid to them later in the week.

I keep forgetting to plug the free Download that The Girobabies have available, so I'll do that now. You can get Jeremy Kyle rom their Bandcamp page now, while their debut EP is released on May 1st.
The Paraffins single - Something Good - that I reviewed a few weeks ago is out officially from today. It's good.
North Atlantic Oscilation release their debut album, Grappling Hooks, this week.
RBRBR have a new EP out, titled The Bobby Masicks EP, released by Euphonios. It's been on the list of things for me to review for ages, but I've not gotten to it yet. It is good though.
Adam Stafford has a new album out, Miniature Porcelain Horse Emporium. It's available as a free download now from Wiseblood Industries.

I think that's it for the week. There was no popular demand for the gig guide to return, so I'm opting to be lazy and leave it in retirement. There's quite a lot on this week in Glasgow though. Especially on Thursday when there's four gigs on that I want to go to.
Speaking of gigs I do have to plug my own at every opportunity, so go here to catch up on the details.

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