Thursday, 8 December 2011

Advent Calendar - Day Eight: Campfires In Winter

Bit windy out, eh? I'm late with the advent calendar today, I know. The midnight post never happened today as last night was spent whipping my best albums of the year lists into something resembling a shape, which took till about 2am, at which point I could not be arsed digging up a Christmas song.
Today I'm phoning it in a bit, and opting for another repeat. It is one of my favourites, there's no way I could leave it out, so for the third year running, here's Campfires In Winter's contribution to the Christmas songs, with Christmas Song. In the words of Boab from Campfires In Winter "it's about 2 guys getting pished, one of them decides to burn down the tree and pretends to be a bear and asks the other one to join him. It's a lot of shite."

Campfires in Winter - Christmas Song

As if the song isn't good enough, you must watch the video that the (now sadly depearted) Macabre Scene made for it.

Campfires In Winter: Facebook - Bandcamp

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