Saturday, 24 December 2011

Advent Calendar - Day Twenty Four: Tribal Fighters

This final Advent Calendar post is brought to you by a terribly happy Jim. I'll let you work out why for yourself.

I should probably end things with a Scottish band, but we've had plenty of them throughout December, and I've been gradually trying to take in more from beyond our borders this year anyway, so here's some folk from Manchester instead. Tribal Fighters, like most of the English bands I've liked this year, were first nudged my way from Stewart from Black International, so cheers for finding good new music for me Stew.

Listen to Christmas Stalkings below, and download it (and some other songs) free from Bandcamp.

Tribal Fighters: Bandcamp - Facebook

That's it for the Advent Calendar for this year. If you missed and of the 24 days of mostly festive nonsense you can find everything using the Christmas tag on the posts.
Have a lovely Christmas, try not to fight any relatives or break your new toys, and remember to vote in the Readers' Poll by the end of Boxing Day.

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